What is UISC and why?
Union information and service center is a state-of-the-art information technology center (telecentre) set up in the Union Council, which aims at ensuring information service to grassroots people. From this center, people of rural areas get life and livelihood information and necessary services in their home environment very easily.
On November 11, 2010, the Honorable Prime Minister inaugurated all the Union Information and Service Centers (UDC) across the country through its video conference from the Prime Minister of the United Nations and United Nations Development Program (UDC) and the former Prime Minister of New Zealand Mr Helen Clark, from the Char Kakrimukuri union of Bhola district. About 40 lakh people are receiving information and services from these centers.Through the UISC, the public and private services are getting a very positive change in the life of the local people through easy, fast and low cost.
UISC started its journey in front of the people in the service of Doorsteps. As a result of the UDC establishment, it is possible to create a free flow of information in every state of the society and the state system, where people are not going to door to door for service, but they are reaching the service. Free flow of information is one of the prerequisites for empowering the public.The establishment of information and service centers in 4,501 union parishads of the country has opened the way for information and services at the earliest, including participation in the free flow of rural people.
Materials: A UDC has several computers and related materials to ensure improved information services for the public, which has been phased in and is being phased out. The UISC material comes from entrepreneurial investment and Union Council funds (Revenue Sector and LGSP Project). A computer with a minimum stabilizer, a dark print printer, a color printer,It is possible to start a UISC program initially with a modem, a scanner, a digital camera for setting up online connections. But for the full UISC management, the following materials are needed -
Materials: A UDC has several computers and related materials to ensure improved information services for the public, which has been phased in and is being phased out. The UISC material comes from entrepreneurial investment and Union Council funds (Revenue Sector and LGSP Project). A computer with a minimum stabilizer, a dark print printer, a color printer,
Multiple computers (desktop and laptop) 1 multimedia projector with large screen 1 laser printer 1 color printer 1 modem 1 scanner machine 1 laminating machine 1 photocopier machine 1 digital camera 1 webcam 1 generator Upon raising a UISC on the basis of local demand, there may be more or less than that.
Planning and Implementation: Cabinet Division, A2I, BCC, DoICT and BASIS